April 26, 2011
April 25, 2011
In the Garden

Since we celebrated Easter on Saturday to accommodate the schedules of our (somewhat) adult children, Easter Sunday became a day of tremendous "rebirth" at the farm. Terry spent the entire day york raking the three paddocks, which required downing fences and putting them back up again. I spent a good portion of the day in the flower gardens, planting & pruning. The gold-fish pond, still in need of a good cleaning (it has rained numerous times since we pumped it, after all, and leaves blew in again), had me moving very heavy, flat rocks to build the waterfall. I am itching to get the pump working, and to fill it with orange, yellow, and silver beauties. The fence in this garden needed some repairs, and I spent the time to do this, too.
The animals, on the other hand, all had a very relaxing day. The horses had the day off, and stood chewing hay and shaking against May flies, as they watched Terry work in their paddocks. The peafowl and ducks somehow managed to get out of their protective condo into the wild blue yonder of the chicken run, and I'll be darned if we'll ever get them back to where they belong! Here's hoping they don't fly the chicken coop - they'll make a mess in the barn and gardens if they do!
Photos: Top: Getting the idea from a very creative friend (Gypsy Mare Studios), I searched my garden to see if there may be a fairy house hidden somewhere. One was found hidden under a bright orange bush, near the goldfish pond! Smoke from the chimney told me its inhabitants were very close by...
Second: Busy Bumble Bee
Third: The Mallard duck in the chicken run. His mate is sitting on eggs...will we have ducklings soon?
Fourth: A recently hatched bird egg, found in the pond garden.
Fifth: On a warm sunny day, Simba keeps me company while I work in the gardens. Because of his tiny size, however, he must remain protected from the numerous hawks that hunt our property.
April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Although the day isn't dawning bright and beautiful here at Cedar Knoll Farm weather wise, it is warm and almost balmy. The view from the house out to the barn reveals horses in fog, muddy and dirty from yesterday's rain. Our son, Brandon, is home from the Big Apple, and sleeps soundly on the couch as I write this. Friday was Earth Day, Good Friday, and my birthday all rolled into one. I find it most appropriate that I share my birthday with Earth Day each year! Had the gift of family (Brandon included), a friend's delicious "funny bone" upside down cupcakes, and the beautiful gift of viewing "Water for Elephants" with Maegan and my family for my birthday. HIGHLY recommend this movie, which takes place during the depression and revolves around the circus and its magnificent animals, and equally magnificent human characters!
Have been working Diesel single this past week. I love this horse. I often wonder if he still misses his brother. I would venture to guess that he dreams of him in the night. The work does Diesel good. This is evident in his posture, in his eye, in his attitude as he stands for harnessing and as he goes down the street. The dynamics of the herd has changed. Diesel, Dolly & Gillette are separated from Danny & Dakota now, for safety sake. Dolly was once the low-man on the totem pole. Now she rules the roost, henpecking the two boys. She chases Diesel at feed time. Gillette chases her. Diesel chases Gillette. Around and around they go, looking for the herd's anchor that was once Duke.
Photo: Top: The view from our house this Easter morning.
Middle: The New Yorker sleeps through all kinds of noise and commotion, including the antics of a tiny Chihuahua.
Bottom: My birthday "Funny Bones" from my friend Erin's Chocolate Rose Bakery in Plainfield, CT.
April 20, 2011
When Blessings Are Counted

Photo: From the Norwich Bulletin - Click on the title of this blog to read the article in he April 20, 2011 edition of The Bulletin.
April 13, 2011
Spring on the Farm
April 7, 2011
First Day of Plowing 2011
With Duke gone, Diesel's new partner is Dolly. Although she had been on "maternity leave" for most of last year, Dolly stepped right into the work force again and made a strong work partner for Diesel. The new team, Sam & Cody, was also put to the test for the first time since we brought them home, and they passed it with flying colors. They have certainly been eager and able to pull the hydraulic plow as if they hadn't had the "easy life" at a riding stable for the past few years. With us, these horses will work, but it it obvious that they will fall right in to "The Draft Horse Way of Life" quite willingly.
Photos: Top: Terry gets off the plow to let Dolly and Diesel rest after a few passes in the lower garden. The soil in this area has not been turned over as often as the top garden acreage and was considerably tougher going on horses, man and plow.
Bottom: Cedar Knoll's new team of Percherons, Cody & Sam, took to the hydraulic plow like they've been at it for years. It is the mark of a good team that can be put to farm machinery, carriage, saddle, and machinery again as if one and all were the same. Cedar Knoll is proud to have this team as our newest addition to our "draft horse family".
April 4, 2011
Our New Facebook Page

Hope to see you all there!
April 1, 2011
Recent Articles

The second article appeared in the Spring 2011 edition of Farming Magazine, called "Spring Plowing in New England". It is an article about the annual "April Fool's Plow Event" held locally here in Connecticut, where many of us horse farmers help a gentleman plow his two acre garden with horses and oxen. The garden yields an abundance of food that he then offers to the needy in his community. You can learn more about this charming magazine, with a large following of Amish and Menonite readers, at www.farmingmagazine.net.
Photo: Top: One of Central Park's carriage horses, owned by Stephen Malone. Photo: Brandon Aviram
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