Last night, we discovered that our Banties, so skilled in the art of flight, have taken to roosting in the cross beams of our barn! Some 14 feet off the ground, they appear to be safe, with their youngsters (now pullets, I might add), tucked safely beside them. Our egg supply has been next to none as of late, but it is such a joy to watch our chickens scratch at the dirt, scuttle through tall grass, and fly up to the rafters.
Photos: Top: Banty hens and pullets in the rafters of our barn.
Middle: A wayward banty pullet in the wood pile.
Bottom: Raj, always and forever King, grazing on the lawn at dusk.
Hay Diaries - here it is the morning of July 16, and we had to put another round bale in the paddock last night for the six (after feeding them square bales in the morning). That means, the previous bale lasted them a full five days: $65 divided by 5 = $13, divided by 6 = $2.16 per horse per day. Now THAT is a bargain!
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