March 15, 2010

One of Those Weeks

It has been an entire week since our fantastic day in Manhattan with artist Jeremy Dean and his Hummer Cart, and all else since seems faded and shabby by comparison. Terry took off for the Ohio sale last Tuesday, and has yet to come home. Partly because he was at the sale until Saturday — partly because our monster truck, the F550, broke down somewhere on the West Pennsylvania line Saturday afternoon, towing the 36 foot gooseneck and a load of horses on. Included in that mix were two horses Terry was bringing home: a black Percheron stud and gelding, as well as a back seat full of Amish men. I won't bother to retell the story about how he got the truck towed to the nearest Ford garage (and how much it cost us), or how he had to hire another truck to take his trailer to a friend's place somewhere in PA, or how he had to hire someone else to take the horses to the New Holland Sales Barn for holding. Never mind finding rides for the Amish men, also all the way back to New Holland. Once he got HIMSELF to New Holland Sunday morning (by way of yet another friend's tractor trailer coming out of Tennessee or somewhere), he went to bed and never woke up until I called him around 6PM. Stressed out, to say the least.

Well, sometimes we must take a bad situation and take advantage of some extra time in PA. The Black Stallion, who, I am told, is every bit as beautiful as the one in the movie, is no longer a stud. I suppose it is good that he lost his "manhood" in PA this morning, rather than waiting to lose it here at the farm. Throw a stud in the mix around here and, no matter how quiet the stud is, we might have problems at best.

Once Terry left last week, so did the sun. We have had heavy, heavy rains here since Thursday or Friday. It is still raining as I write this Monday morning. I have spent most of the last week on the computer, working on websites, articles and promotional material. Horses have been in and out of the barn. Dolly, because her paddock floods so badly, was brought down to the back "pasture" this morning, to get her out of her stall for a change. She galloped and kicked and slid and galloped some more, until she suddenly found her hay pile. Dolly makes me think of Cher, the main character played by Alicia Silverstone in "Clueless". The scene where Cher is giving that dissertation about true love or something and she is suddenly distracted by the Snicker's Bar in the school cafeteria. That's my girl Dolly!

Photos: Top: Dolly
Bottom: Danny on a brighter day

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